Friday, June 17, 2011

Black Bedding As A Way To Update Bedroom Decor

By: Robin Grudzinski
While pink may be a traditional as well as appropriate color for decorating a young girl's room, tastes and preferences often develop and change as time goes by. If a complete renovation is impractical, there are numerous alternatives that may prove to be satisfactory to you as well as to your child. Even if eliminating the pink color is not possible, selecting black bedding, for example, may be an ideal way to introduce new colors and add a more mature appearance to the overall decor.
For a room with pink walls or carpeting, the expense of replacing these room elements may be beyond your current budget. Updating the bed linens, however, may be an affordable way to create a noticeable and welcome change. Moreover, black bedding for girls, for example, may add definition and sophistication, regardless of the existing hues in the room.
As you introduce black into your child's room, making sure that the room elements work together would be advised. This may involve adding or updating other items and using various shades of pink as well. A pink chandelier, for example, may add a cohesive and more grown-up feeling to the room. A girls chandelier may be a good accessory to consider, as the current selection is fairly abundant.
In addition to various bed linens and lighting fixtures, other easy and affordable pink and black items that may work to update and unify a room include:
• Picture frames
• Lamp shades
• Toss pillows
• Wall Art
• Curtains
• Desk Accessories
As your child's personality develops, she may give you clues as to what room furnishings may be most appealing. Talking with your child and giving her as much input as possible may assure that both of you are pleased with the end result. Your child's updated room may provide many years of enjoyment.

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